Archive for the 'Vancouver Stuff' Category

Vera Kobalia, Georgia’s Stripper Cabinet Minister in Vancouver

Vera Kobalia, Georgia’s Minister of Economy, graduated from King George High School and attended BCIT here in Vancouver before being appointed to the Georgian Government in July 2010. Now, photos of her posing on a stripping stage with other strippers has surfaced from her facebook account! That’s kinda hot. We need ministers like that.

Asian Girls dressed as French Maids in Vancouver

Well, Richmond actually.. but its still part of Greater Vancouver. Dubbed a “Cosplay Cafe”, which is short for Costume Play, the little Asian girl servers dress in French Maid outfits when they serve your food and bubble tea. What else could a Guy Want? I bet Peter Chau goes here! Its called Magnetic Cafe, and […]

Big Love? Oh Yes, I think so!

Gotta love that Polygamy stuff! Multiple wives, underground tunnel systems – doesn’t get better than that!!!

Canada is #4 Most Developed Country in the World

Just stumbled onto this HDI (Human Development Index) thing, which places Canada in the #4 slot in the list of most developed countries in the world behind Norway, Australia and Iceland. I wasn’t expecting us to be so high up there, but good on us!!! Link:

Jonas Brothers Cancel Vancouver Show!

Oh Noes! What will I ever do!!!! Those sexy, yet down-to-earth, ruffly haired Jonas Brothers won’t be coming anymore.. I will have to get my money back for my tickets.. even though I would much rather spend the evening watching them! Boo Hoo.