Best Picture Oscar Nominees!

Posted by the dood on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

The Nominees are in for Best Picture, and for the first time in a while, I’ve seen most of them. The nominees are:
Inglourious Basterds
Up in the Air
The Hurt Locker
An Education
A Serious Man
The Blind Side
District 9

Seems to be quite a few nominees this year, or maybe I’m just not remembering previous years correctly. Of those that were nominated, I haven’t seen An Education, A Serious Man and Precious. I haven’t actually even heard of the first two, and Precious struck me as as retelling of Fat Girl, by Catherine Breillat.

At any rate, as an overall fantastic movie, I would say all of the ones I watched were definately fantastic. Inglorious Basterds was probably the one that I least thought I would like, but ended up liking. Blind Side was a sleeper for me… I don’t usually like that kind of movie. District 9 was phenomenal. The Hurt Locker was also phenomenal. Avatar was a brillant and definately over-the-top as far as epic-ness. Up in the Air was also much better than I thought, though I felt ther were some weaknesses.

If I had to make a choice as to my choice for best picture, I would have to say “District 9”

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