Battle of the Tweets. Stars and Celebs are using Twitter now to communicate with fans because it’s easy, and it allows them to respond with their side of the story. Social media has completely revolutionalized the way we communicate and the speed at which communication happens.
Perez Hilton tweeted that Will.i.Am assaulted him in from of the MuchMusic video awards in Toronto last night and that he was bleeding. He filed a report with the Toronto Police. This is what was tweeted: “I was assaulted by Will. I. Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke.”
Will.i.Am tweeted a denial that he assualted the gossip queen.
What is the world coming to? Twitter is the new everything.
With the proliferation of buying and selling online, especially on ebay, it is easy to get suckered into buying a fake Ed Hardy Shirt or Jeans without knowing it. Additionally, stores in Vancouver and Richmond, BC, Canada have been known to sell fakes in the store. Most stores are easy to tell if they are selling fakes, but other are difficult as they mix the fake and real merchandise together.
A friend and I were browsing the jeans at JCY HOUSE in Parker Place, Richmond BC. They sell real Ed Hardy’s and True Religions but we also found two pairs of fake True Religions in the store, selling for the same price as the real stuff.
There are theives everywhere. Here’s a video off youtube of a guy showing some of the differences between real and fake Ed Hardy:
Microsoft is suing a trio of Vancouver Fraudsters: Eric Lam, Gordon Lam and Melanie Suen. Click-Fraud is rampant in the pay-per-click advertising industry, as anything that people can do to rip others off for money easily will be. The lawsuit is for $750,000, though it allegedly cost Microsoft $1.5 Million in repayment to advertisers.
Vancouver and the west coast of Canada has become a hotbed of fraud with identity theft rampant in Victoria and the rest of Vancouver Island. I’ve personally been a victim when someone intercepted a money order to my Nanaimo apartment and cashed it in a bank in Duncan, BC with a fake driver’s license number. Nothing ever happened because the sender of the money order did not want to pursue it.
Additionally there are many online fraudsters that “trade” watches and other valuables with others, and send them only boxes with old tommy hilfiger t-shirts, and others in Vancouver that take money and send no watch. It seems to be a very common theme with Panerai collectors mostly. Is it the type of crowd that the watch attracts? Possibly. Either way, vancouver is a scam artists haven.
Reboot Vancouver specializes in providing computers for those on income assistance or those who simply can’t afford a full system. They will give you a speedy, upgradeable machine for $100 or less if you are on income assistance.
If you are looking for a machine and can’t afford to chip out $400 for a brand new entry level system, get a refurbished useable computer from Reboot Vancouver.
Hillary Fisher was Miss Hawaiian Tropic 2007, and is a bikini model and has appeared in Playboy several times. She enjoys baking and considers herself a weekend pastry chef. She attended University where she studied Culinary Arts focusing on baking and patisserie. When I first saw her video by accident on Youtube, I was like wow, this girls is smokin! She deserves a page and Hottie of the Moment Designation. Hillary Fisher is 25 years old.