Do you have Conficker Virus/Trojan?

Posted by the dood on Friday, April 10th, 2009

There were lots of really complicated was of detecting if I had conficker, and while I didn’t think I had it… its always something I would be paranoid about. I found a great simple visual eye checking guide that tells you if you have conficker by simply visiting the webpage and displaying images that use the ports and sites that conficker blocks.

Check it out!

Rejection Phone Numbers Hotline

Posted by the dood on Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Have you ever gotten a rejection phone number when you asked a girl for her number? I haven’t, but watching CSI: New York last night reminded me of these embarassing numbers, and how you could potentially get one.

There’s a Rejection Hotline Website that has numbers all over the US and Canada, but being that we’re mostly Canadian here, I’m re-publishing the ones from Canada:

613-686-3620 Ottawa, Canada
647-476-4910 Toronto, Canada
778-786-8557 Vancouver, Canada
780-669-5270 Edmonton, Canada
905-963-0318 Hamilton, Canada
514-667-0361 Montreal, Canada
519-488-2355 London, Canada
250-984-0686 Victoria, Canada
403-775-9982 Calgary, Canada
204-272-3976 Winnipeg, Canada

Its good to know these numbers because if you get a phone number, you might want to to make sure that you didn’t get one of these instead of the real deal. That will save you the wasted time preparing for the phone call. Remember, there are other rejection hotlines out there, so just cuz its not on this list doesn’t mean you didn’t get rejected!

Britney Spears Walks off Stage due to Weed Smoke

Posted by the dood on Thursday, April 9th, 2009


Its all over perez hilton, but during Britney’s vancouver concert last night, she walked off the stage at 8:17pm and did not return until 9:05pm. 48 minutes of blackout on the stage during which an annoucement finally comes on to explain the outage. The annoucement states that the performers will not be returning until the air has cleared!

Now, there have not been any confirmed reports of whether this is cigarette smoke or marijuana smoke, but it definately seems that the rumours are suggesting marijuana. Also, this IS Vancouver… and given Britney’s response, it would definately be more believable to me if it was weed.

Heck, I smell weed every time I go downtown and walk around at night.

Tahyna Tozzi: Hottie of the Moment

Posted by the dood on Sunday, April 5th, 2009

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Tahyna Tozzi, who is well known to Australian fans of the show, Blue Water High, will be playing Emma Frost in the May 1st release of the X-men Origins: Wolverine. In the movie, Emma (Tozzi) and Cyclops share a “moment”, which is appropriate since they are love interests later on in the X-men series.

At any rate, Tahyna Tozzi is one smoking hot girl. The 22yr old Model and Actress has a sister, Cheyenne who is also an Actress. She is from Australia and hopefully, she will be in a lot more shows. Emma Frost, who she plays, is also know for her slinky outfits in the comic, so maybe she’ll bring some of that to the big screen!

Guns n Roses: Use your Illusion 1 Vinyl LP

Posted by the dood on Sunday, April 5th, 2009


I picked up this LP along with a few others at Audiopile on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. The owner there (or at least who I THINK is the owner) is a really cool guy, and the prices on the new LPs are pretty good. Additionally, he has a great used Jazz section and a great used pop/rock section as well. I picked up a couple of used records and a few new ones, and the used ones were in NEW shape, and its quite possible they had never even been played. Very nice. He also has a “Spend $100 and get $10 back to spend” deal!

The subject of this post, however, is my GnR Use Your Illusion 1 album. I’ve been considering purchasing this album for quite a while, as I have always considered November Rain and Don’t Cry two of the best Rock Balads ever written. Yes, Axel is a genuis. The album was $28, so it was a bit steep, but I figured that since its two 180g LPs, and November rain was on an outside track, that the quality would probaby be good. Not to mention that it came with a free MP3 album download.

I popped it on my Pro-Ject 2Xperience turntable with the Ortofon Kontrapunkt A cartridge and it sounded AMAZING. November Rain was meant to be listed to like this… there simply is no other way to experience this song. The detail and depth to the soundstage is phenomenal, and it has a presence to it that the CD is simply lacking. I’ve always liked the CD version, but this is so much of an easier-going version of the song, and sounds fantastic. If you are a GnR fan and are into vinyl, this is a must-get album.