Mac Safari Get Hacked in Record Time

Posted by the dood on Friday, March 20th, 2009


I find it amusing when exploits in Mac’s security are found, as there are just as many exploits in the software as there are in Windows, yet Mac users are always trying to discredit any findings… saying that they are irrelevant to the actual security of the machines. While some of this may be true, the reality is that Macs in many ways have just as many security flaws as Windows machines, its just that there are less people out there writing software to exploit them. Why? Because there are less people using them, so less glory.

However, I wouldn’t be surprised if Steve Jobs has a team of people out there writing Windows exploits in order to give a perception of poor security in order to boost Mac sales.. he is certainly not above that. I’m sure someone has suggested this before. 😉

Original article on the CanSecWest Hack from Vancouver Sun:
Hacker cracks Safari in seconds

Below is the Apple Insider article defending the Mac and how the contest is irrelevant and should not be given any weight. While this may have some truth to it, it is nonetheless something you need to think about before you blab about how Macs are bulletproof.

Mac Safari Hacked Apple Insider Article

2010 Vancouver Olympics Surveillance Cameras

Posted by the dood on Friday, March 20th, 2009

As many of you many already know, Vancouver is going to implement a video surveillance system on the streets of the city in and around the complexes that will be housing the Olympic Games. Athens implemented a similar system for the 2004 Olympic games and continued to use it afterwards, while Vancouver’s privacy commisioners are adamant that they should be removed after the games.


I personally value my privacy, however, I really do not do anything that I would worry that police can see, at least not outside my home. I certainly do not want them peeping on me during my personal time with my family, but on the public streets I am not so concerned. I am of course a bit concerned that criminals may find a way to tap into such a system and manipulate it for their own use – you never know these days… watching all those cybercrime movies.

At any rate, I personally am not too concerned with the issue, but hearing discussions on how people are feeling about having big brother looking over their shoulder, it is definately a concern with many Vancouver citizens.

Paco Chicano – Even more Gangster

Posted by the dood on Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Christian Audigier continues to dazzle with his beautifully printed (and some might say tacky, and overdone) peices of clothing art. He has partnered with Frank and Gilbert Ros, who created the Paco Chicano brand in the 80’s in Andalusia in the Kingdon of spain.

The brand uses many images of flowers and secular metaphors, with beautiful fold embossing. The line of clothing will be both for men and women, and in typical Christian Audigier style consist mostly of shirts and hoodies. He will help design and bring this brand of clothing to America, where it will either flop, or be embraced by current fans of the CA subculture.

To be quite honest, this stuff to me looks just like his other CA stuff. But it has a bit more of a feminine flare to it, with the flowers and all… so if you want your girl to be more ganster, while still being girly, this is perfect!


Lady Gaga Parties at Vancouver Gay Bar

Posted by the dood on Thursday, March 19th, 2009

It hit twitter last night hard, and this morning the official report from Jonny Staub, the daytime DJ at The Beat 94.5 radio station in Vancouver came in.


After doing a late night 11-midnight show at the Commodore Ballroom in vancouver, Lady Gaga and her crew left with Jonny Staub and some friends from the Commodore to the Odyssey Night Club, Vancouver’s hottest Gay Bar. Its well known in the Gay Community that Lady Gaga is popular with the Gays, and she likes to party with them. But its very cool that she would just take off with Jonny Staub and party with everyone at a random Gay Bar! Apparently Lady Gaga was even doing some pole dancing too!

I really dig Lady Gaga’s music, and I am pretty stoked for her next album. Good to see that she is down to earth and ready to hang out with anyone that seems decent. Very cool!

Ssense FashionAddict Sale!

Posted by the dood on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Lots of INSANE sales at! With tons of stuff already 50-75% off, an additional 20% is offered with the coupon code FASHIONADDICT. I’m eyeing some really sweet stuff from J. Lindeburg and Drykorn. Nice time grab a belt as well.

As usual, tons of Diesel, U-NIT-Y, Filippa K, Drykorn, McQ on sale, among others. A very cool Karl Lagerfeld Nathan bag is on sale as well.