The Golden Nib TGN Silvertip STD XH Badger Knot Review

Posted by the dood on Friday, May 24th, 2013

This is The Golden Nib’s entry level Silvertip Knot – the Silvertip STD XH. I believe the STD stands for Standard, and XH stands for Extra Hair – meaning higher density. This is also one of TGN’s most affordable badger knots, next to the Pure and Black badger knots. Its also the only knot that I’ve purchased from TGN that I have been disappointed with.


While the knot is called XH, it doesn’t feel all that dense to me. I think this is actually the floppiest, most uncomfortable badger knot that I have ever experienced. I don’t think this knot is a good value and I personally wouldn’t buy it again. Perhaps if I had mounted it at a lower loft it would have performed better, but it is so prickly, that I almost find it unusable in its current state.

Notice that the hairs are also trimmed, and not all naturally terminating. This is uncommon for a silvertip knot from any company since most silvertip knots are supposed to have natural tips. The knot actually looks a lot like the TGN Best Badger knot, but with more scritch and more flop – two things in my book that should be limited. I don’t mind a little scritch, but this one has too much.


Overall, its pretty obvious that I don’t like this knot and I don’t recommend it. Its one of TGN’s least expensive badger knots, however, so that should be taken into account. Its the cheapest TGN knot I’ve purchased, and it performs like it – so I guess I got what I paid for. However, it wasn’t that cheap at $18, and I’ve bought brushes for $18 that I felt performed better, like many of the Omega Boar Brushes. At any rate, if you’re thinking about this knot, I would recommend spending the extra few dollars and buying the TGN Best Badger, or better yet, the TGN Finest.

TGN Silvertip STD XH Badger Knot Specs and Rating:

Softness: 3
Scratchy Soft
Backbone: 2
Floppy Strong
Scrub: 2
Gentle Scrubby
Density: 3
Sparse Dense
Hair Thickness: 5
Thin Thick
Flow-Through: 7
Lather Hog Lather Giver

Click here to see a list of all TGN Knot Reviews here.

3 Responses to “The Golden Nib TGN Silvertip STD XH Badger Knot Review”

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  3. […] knot I ended up mounting in this handle was a TGN 22mm Silvertip. I am a little bit disappointed with this knot because it is the floppiest shaving brush that I […]

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