Posted by the dood on Monday, April 19th, 2010
Pretty neat… the new iPhone. Its funny because the video talks about how plugs and camera lens are moved from one place to another, like its something so amazing. They don’t talk about how it works and the iPhone is one of those things that just doesn’t work that well. Its like high heels, we like them because they look good, not because they work well.
I just love how someone left it in a restaurant somewhere and they scored it and took it apart to anazlyze it! Apple now knows who NOT to trust with their prototypes.
April 19th, 2010 | Posted in Apple Stuff | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Joshua Jackson. Vancouver’s own star of Mighty Ducks, Dawson’s Creek, and countless many other made-for-teen movies and TV shows has grown up and is now actually winning some awards. Maybe he’ll be the next George Clooney?
My Experience with Josh
While I’m no longer an acquaintance of Joshua Jackson, I did attend high school with the little bugger when we were younger, before he left part-way through the school year to go film the Mighty Ducks. It was interesting because he always thought very highly of himself and told us all he was going to make it big – which he did to his credit. Its a shame no one really liked him because he was somewhat conceited. After he left school that year, I never heard/saw him again.
Flash forward to about 10 years ago, before I met my wife, I dated a girl whom I had been friends with for about 4-5 years… and she had a Joshua Jackson poster on her wall. And yes, it did bother me.
Flash forward again to about 4 years ago. I dated another girl who happened to sit next to Josh on a plane, on Economy Class (prior to him starting on The Fringe, so he probably wasn’t making much), and they really hit it off. According to her, he tried to convince her to go home with him and hook up afterwards! I thought that was humourous.
Seems like I just can’t get away from him.
Now Josh has hooked up with Diane Kruger, a definate certified hottie. Congrats Josh on the beautiful girl and the Genie!! You have come a long way since you were the shrimpiest guy in the class due to your late growth spurt!
April 13th, 2010 | Posted in Celebrity Crap, Vancouver Stuff | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Thursday, April 8th, 2010
See, I’m not the only one that believes that Google will take over the world. Google has the most complete stats on user behavior on the internet culled from their Free Analytics software and their search engine usage. Additionally, they have scanned tens of thousands of books, most of them violating copyright laws. They are also trying to get rid of the operating system and push cloud computing to another level with google docs and gmail. They’ve also infiltrated the mobile smartphone world with Android!
Plus, like Apple, everyone likes them. However, unlike Apple, who has a egomaniacal asshole (albeit genius) of a CEO in Steve Jobs, Google’s founders and reps are for the most part likeable.
Google will take over – its just a matter of time.
April 8th, 2010 | Posted in Internet Stuff | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Sunday, April 4th, 2010
Holy crap.. after playing Magic: The Gathering as a kid, and then growing up and selling off most of my cards, I’ve decided once again that I wanted to get into the card game and have even found playgroups with people my age. I have gone full tilt, buying up lots of cards here and there and building decks and playtesting them with my wife as well as my MTG Buddies. Its been really fun and I may start an MTG section to the site to discuss certain decks and combos that I’ve been playing around with.
April 4th, 2010 | Posted in Magic The Gathering | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Thursday, April 1st, 2010
eBay’s latest fee increase comes on March 30th, 2010. They are now creating a flat-rate 9% fee on all auction style listings, creating over 100% increase in fees for many items. Fees that used to be around $10, could hit over $20!
Many eBay sellers are up in arms, but the Giant is tailoring their service towards the large format Store-style sellers and calling this a simplified fee structure, when in fact its just a money grab. eBay is under pressure to hit increased profit targets and it will do so at the expense of their sellers. Unfortunately they do have a monopoly on the market, which makes it difficult for sellers. Maybe Google needs to ramp up a Google Auctions?
Here is a chart of their fee structure. For items selling at $555, the peak increase is noticed at 141% increase in fees!!!

April 1st, 2010 | Posted in Internet Stuff | No Comments