Posted by the dood on Wednesday, September 30th, 2009
Alecsa Nelson has just recently been crown Ford Supermodels Supermodel of the World Canada and she’s from Langely, BC. She’s only 17, but the 5’11” green-eyed beauty is drop-dead gorgeous, and will compete in the World Competition by Ford Supermodels in January. The grade 12 high school student has been modelling since she was 12, and has shot for Vanity Fair, and been all over the world shooting already. Reminds me of a girl I went to high school with, even kind of looks like her.
Posted by the dood on Wednesday, September 30th, 2009
Ew. I don’t think we need to hear any more about that, however, the new Tampax Commercial featuring Serena Williams versus Mother Nature they are very explicit about all the “blood” that Mother Nature will let Serena See. Distasteful? Yes.
Does any of us really want to know all about Serena Williams’ Bloody Period? No!
Posted by the dood on Tuesday, September 29th, 2009
Now if this doesn’t make you wanna give up your day job and buy a metal detector, I don’t know what will. This guy digs up a pile of Gold treasure work 1.9 Million dollars with ancient Christian Sword fittings and other anglo-saxon relics in sold Gold and Silver in a rural English town.
Posted by the dood on Monday, September 21st, 2009
I finally got around to trying out the Miracle Berry I ordered a while back, and let me tell you.. this stuff really does work! It is probably one of the strangest sensations that I have ever had… We consumed 0.5g of Freeze Dried Miracle Berry and waited 10 minutes to start eating.. I would say the strength of the berry peaked about 20 minutes in.
These are the foods we tried: Fresh Lime – The lime tasted VERY sweet! The bitterness and sourness usually associated with lime was gone.. and tasted like we were eating Lime-aid, minus the bitterness. A very strange sensation to say the least.
Cherry Tomatoes – These were almost disgustingly sweet. They took on a syrupy quality combined with a tomato taste, almost like putting a cherry tomato in a tablespoon of honey and eating it.
White Vinegar – The White Vinegar tasted sweet, almost like a mildly sweetened water.
Teriyaki Chips – These tasted basically the same, perhaps slightly more sweet.
Baldersons 6-Year Old Aged Cheddar – No discernable difference.
Hot Wings – No discernable difference.
Wasabi – No difference.
Franks Hot Sauce – A significantly reduced level of spiciness, and a sweet overall taste instead of hot and vinegary.
Overall, this was quite the experience, and I’m glad I tried it. For the minimal cost of around $10US, I got to experience something that usually only happens on CSI 🙂
Posted by the dood on Thursday, September 17th, 2009
So, according to these guys, our recession is over. What does everyone else think?
Many people claim “Oh, my friend just lost her job, it can’t be over”, or other similarly microcosmic statements that fail to see the BC economy as a whole. Additionally, employment is one of the slowest factors to recover, oftentimes never recovering fully as businesses learn to cope, outsource and streamline in tight times.