IX Webhosting No Good

Posted by the dood on Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

I used to use IX Webhosting, but have since switched to MediaTemple. I kept up an IX Webhosting account just to keep my backup sites on it and to use it for developing websites for some clients, but even with the limited use, I have found that IX Webhosting is down what seems like 50% of the time I try and visit my sites.

This makes it nearly completely useless for what I need to use it for, with server problems Galore, these guys are completely useless as a host. I am talking completely. Even if you have a hobby site that gets 20 vistors a day, you will likely lose have that traffic going to IX Webhosting because they are very useless. When you call their Kentucky call centre to get live tech support, they ask you to enter in a ticket on their website which goes to a bunch of Russian Techs that manage the data center remotely, and respond about 6-7 hours after you post the ticket.

The call centre staff is polite enough, but you get the distinct feeling that they know their reliability is shit, and that they have already spoken with 50+ people the same day with the same problems. The outages last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, and occur several times a day… heck I would have more luck hosting on my personal computer on my cable modem hookup.

IX Webhosting: Not worth the time, and they aren’t any cheaper than any of the actually reliable budget webhosts.

Sid the Kid is Unstoppable!

Posted by the dood on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Penguins advance to the Stanley Cup final, and sweep the Hurricanes! Amazing… The final should be a good one.. will Detroit take home the cup?

Sid the Kid has that effect of making everyone around him play better, and at such a young age is an amazing team leader. So why the hell can’t we get someone like that in Vancouver? Pittsburgh always gets some superstar, and rides him until he burns out or retires.. then goes to shit. Then they get lucky and draft another No.1!… Vancouver needs this!!!!

Pirates of the Canadiana

Posted by the dood on Monday, May 25th, 2009

Apparently us Canadians are amongst the worst of all the First world countries, logging in over 65 times more illegal downloads than legal ones! That’s interesting to know as we are one of the worst countries for intellectual property theft, and it is somewhat embarassing, though I cannot say that I have never done it before…

I know plenty of people that are happy to steal property when it is intellectual. MP3 and movies downloads are rampant here, and right now there is an ongoing case against ISOHunt, which is a Canadian bittorrent tracker list. This comes after PirateBay founders and owners were convicted.

Original Pirating article here!

Claire Robinson: Victim of Hollywood

Posted by the dood on Thursday, May 21st, 2009

The beautiful Vancouver model and ‘actress’ Claire Robinson has come forward with allegations of “hip-pocketing” by hollywood talent Agents ICM International. The two older men being accused of the crime are John Rockwell, 74 and Jack Gilardi, 79. The story in the Vancouver Sun goes into much more detail.


I admit I only read the story because I saw her photo and she is one very beautiful girl. Probably isn’t as talented in the acting department as she thought she might be, but having fraudsters tell her she is doesn’t help.

Anyway… Claire is a sorta hottie of the moment (though she is 100% hottie) but due to her personal circumstances we’ll consider her a news event too.

Hottie of the Moment: Gal Gadot

Posted by the dood on Friday, May 15th, 2009


An absolute stunner, 23 year old Gal Gadot is new to acting, and her first big role is in this seasons hit movie Fast & Furious. She is Israeli and a model, and in my opinion, absolutely beautiful. In fact, she is probably the first actress in a while that really appeals to me. Her role did not require a lot of acting ability, so its hard to say if she will get many more roles in the future. Either way, she is definately a looker.