Posted by the dood on Friday, April 3rd, 2009
We’ve all heard of wikipedia, but have you heard of Uncylopedia? Uncylopedia is a wiki that has some of the most entertaining articles I’ve ever read. Its touted as a content-free encyclopedia, but really is just a comedic parody of Wikipedia.

Uncyclopedia and Jarome Iginla
See.. being from Vancouver, I’ve never really liked the Calgary Flamers, and since Jarome is their Captain (yes, he’s a great player). However, he has this cocky attitude in the interviews, and he plays dirty. If he were from any other team I would dislike him less, but he’s not. So when i found this article I laughed out loud:
“Jârome Arthur the Aardvark Lee-Anne Rhymes Adekunle Kunta Kinte Tigger The Tiger “Playa Playa” Roflmao Junior Elvis the Black “King” Supafly Iginla” – This is what the article calls him.. lol
The article further goes on to use some derogatory remarks regarding homosexuals, which may be offensive to some. Incidentally, the article seems to worship Jarome Iginla more than anything else, written in the vein of many Chuck Norris jokes.
April 3rd, 2009 | Posted in Internet Stuff, Sports | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Friday, April 3rd, 2009
Vancouver Canuck Taylor Pyatt has travelled home to Thunder Bay Ontario with the news of his late fiance’s death on thursday. Carly Bragnalo was killed in a fatal car crash in Jamaica on thursday. This is trule a tragic time for the Pyatt and Bragnalo families and my condolences go out to them.
Taylor Pyatt has been an exceptional and inspirational member of the Canucks. This is a very sad time.

Vancouver Sun Reference
April 3rd, 2009 | Posted in News and Reviews, Sports, Vancouver Stuff | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
If elected, Carol James and the NDP plan to significantly increase BC’s public debt.. because it is “relatively low”. Does that even make any sense? That’s like saying that because you only have $1000 on your credit card you should put another $9000 on because you have a $20,000 limit rather than budget. Sure that’s fine if you’re a regular joe (though financially irresponsible), but for someone who is supposed to be responsible government that doesn’t seem like the best announcement to make.
I guess that’s how the NDP plans to promise all these things to BC residents without seemingly any reprecussions. Then in 5-10 years, when we are in over our heads, we’ll have to pay for it or our kids will. I guess its all about instant gratification rather than financial responsibility.
April 1st, 2009 | Posted in News and Reviews | 2 Comments
Posted by the dood on Tuesday, March 31st, 2009
Results after 2 months:
Well turns out that my Eczema was either not caused by Leaky Gut, or the suggested supplements to relieve my eczema as mentioned in this article and this article did not work.
That is not to say that I did not feel an improvement in my well-being. I noticed significantly less bloating after meals, and increased energy. Additionally I also lost a couple pounds. This may be related to the fact that I was on a Gluten-Free diet during the second half. However, in all of this I have found a way to reduce my eczema!
How did I solve my Eczema?
I used Lignisul Brand MSM from Alive Health Centres. I have back problems, so typically i take 2000mg of MSM per day (when I remember) along with Glucosamine. Well, I decided to up the amount of MSM to 6000mgs because I had been reading that for maximum benefit, 6000-8000mg per day is necessary. At first I did not realize it, but then after a week or so my eczema started going away! I didn’t think much of it as it was totally not related to my back pain.
After this experience, I spoke to a lady at the health food store and she had prescribed MSM to Eczema sufferers before with good results. I truly think this is a wonderful product, and now I religiously take it. It is recommended that you slowly load up to 6000mgs per day, rather than starting with 6000 right off the bat. Your body sometimes reacts to the large increase with what feels like withdrawal symptoms apparently.
Anyway, MSM for Eczema. Its good stuff. I’m not the only one that it’s worked for!
March 31st, 2009 | Posted in Body & Health | 3 Comments
Posted by the dood on Tuesday, March 31st, 2009
Listening to good ‘ol Kid Carson show this morning, again gave me a little idea for another article. There are many out there thay believe that women like Bad Boys, and there are even more misconceptions out there that Bad Boys are Players. Bad Boys are NOT players, nor are they Nice Guys. We need to look at the differences between the three.
Bad Boys vs. Players vs. Nice Guys
Nice Guys finish Last. Everyone knows this, and this is true. In this world you need to go for what you want, and not wait for it to go for you. Especially with women. The Bad Boy and the Player are often confused, especially by women… which makes this even more difficult to distinguish.

Bad Boys
Why do women like Bad Boys? Women like bad boys because they give them a sense of security and safety. A man who is perceived as stronger and more aggressive is one that can protect her. And this is true on many levels. A bad boy is a guy that is not too nice, or perceived as a wuss, but one that is not untrue and only seeking to use the girl either. The problem with this is that some but not all Players are Bad Boys as well, which makes the distinction difficult. Bad Boys that are not Players will respect and love women as people, whereas Players do not. The Bad Boy is the perceived Alpha Male.
Players are there to get women in bed, and that is their ultimate goal. Anything that they do is meant to facilitate this end. They will mess with the girl’s head, try anything and everything to impress her, and sometimes this means creating a Bad Boy image, as it attracts women. Players do NOT respect women, they see them as objects. A Player and a Bad Boy are two very different distinctions.
Nice Guys
Nice Guys have the unfortunate reputation of being weak, while not always necessarily true. Women perceive this as being less desirable than the stronger alpha male. While women like to befriend the nice guy because he is indeed nice, they do not want to procreate with him because he is not seen as the strongest mate, as she is seeking to create the strongest offspring.
So what’s a guy to do?
Well.. if you’re a Nice Guy, you’ll probably eventually a find a girl, but you’ll probably find one that is a bit more aggressive, to compliment your personality. If you’re a Bad Boy, then you’ll probably find you have the majority of women to pick from, as women in general tend to be more submissive than men. When you are the alpha male, women want you. And women want, what other women want. They are funny creatures.
March 31st, 2009 | Posted in Girl Advice | No Comments