Canada Child Sex-Abuse Pornography Bust

Posted by the dood on Thursday, March 26th, 2009

A 52-Year Old Saanich Man was arrested along with 50 others across the country in an Canada-wide investigation into Child Pornography. The man was arrested earlier this week, and involved a group of internet users that swapped images and files online.


Several computers and digital storage devices along with hard copy prints were seized from his home when the search warrant was executed. The investigation was done in cooperation with the National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre (NCECC).

The material seized involves real victims, real children that have been sexually abused, which makes this that much more horrific. This kind of stuff just really disgusts me.

Child Luring
Internet Child Luring and Exploitation mostly goes unpunished in Canada unfortunately, as they say that only 10 percent of Child Luring cases get reported and of those 10 percent, only 35 percent are solved. This is disturbing to me, as crimes against children are intolerable. Maybe I watch too much Law & Order SVU.

Additionally, they said that 60 percent of those accused of child-luring are aged 18-34. That means that its not scary old men, its younger people that may be involved in crime syndicates further perpetuating the child pornography business. Child luring is no better than any of these.. it leads to kidnapping and child sex-abuse. All bad things.

I will have kids one day, and the last thing I need is to have my children lured out from the internet and then taken from me and abused. Being a heavy internet user myself, I know what is out there, and it scares me.

The 7 Hour Rule

Posted by the dood on Thursday, March 26th, 2009

How many hours of contact with a girl does it take for her to feel comfortable enough with you to have sex with you? Well, the magic number is supposed to be “Seven“. This is not something that is well-documented, nor is it a stat that most people talk about too much.


Quite often people talk about how many dates does it take for a woman to have sex with you, and often that number is said to be “three“.

In my experience, it can range anywhere from 1 date to 5 or 6 dates. With an average length of 3 hours per date, that is 3 – 18 hours. But that’s for me. I think having any sort of average is pretty useless, however, since every girl is different. The biggest difference with guys and girls is not that the guys want to have sex and the girls don’t, its that when the guys have sex they don’t feel cheap or used, and the girls often do when it’s early in the relationship. Usually they want it just as much as the guy does!

At any rate, I think stats like these are really pointless, as they often guide guys into making the wrong decisions. The most important thing is to read the lady’s response, and act accordingly. Sounds like common sense, but sometimes in the heat (or cold) of the moment, common sense goes out the window.

Tiny Tata Motors Car

Posted by the dood on Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

We’re not talking tatas til tuesday here, we’re talking tiny tatas! Yes, I know that was cheesy, but what I can say.. I’m a cheesy guy.


Tata Motors is Indias largest manufacturer of motor cars, and if you’ve been paying any attention to the news in the last few months, they’ve announced what they are marketing as the cheapest production motor car in the world… the Tata Nano. The car is designed to be affordable for the regular Indian family, at 112,735 rupees (every time I say rupees I think of Slumdog Millionaire!). That works out to $2,757 of our Canadian loonies, according to the Financial Post’s article on the Nano.

Tata had planned to export the car to North America if there was enough interest, along with other possible countries. Given the cost of this car, it is almost in direct competition with scooter manufacturers… incredible!

There have been production problems with the 30 horsepower micro car that have plagued Tata since beginning production, but they are planning to move to a new plant and have more units underway.

Tata is the same company that purchased Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford Motorcars. Tata is headquartered in Mumbai, and was started in 1945. Their primary market consisted mostly of light trucks and transport vehicles.

CKG Knife Show 2009

Posted by the dood on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

A couple weekends ago I was at the annual Canadian Knifemaker’s Guild (CKG) Knife show in Toronto. This is their main show, and is one of the yearly events that I always look forward to. I am unable to make it to Blade Show, but Toronto is my fix.

The show features beautiful handmade knives by Canadian knifemakers, including swords, hunting knives, tactical knives, folders, and fixed blades. There are also guys there selling supplies for building knives such as damascus bar stock and scale materials. Admission is only $5, and I always walk away with something.

I have been collecting knives for over ten years, and they are something that I’ve grown to really enjoy having and learning about as time goes by. One of the knifemakers that I have been purchasing knives from for the last 6-7 years is Kirby Lambert. I own many knives from him, and continue to purchase a knife from him every year. Its like tradition! Custom knives are a bit of a niche interest, but please enjoy the photos I took at the show.

Shiroi Neko – What’s the deal?

Posted by the dood on Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Shiroi Neko has only been around for about a year as far as I know, but its possible that they have been around for 30 years too, as their website says (see the 1978 copyright). Anyway.. that is not the real purpose of this post, but what I’m posting about is the ripping off of other people’s designs.


An interesting site is You Thought We Wouldn’t Notice, who has a post regarding Shiroi Neko’s blatant ripoff of several of Rebel8‘s T-shirt designs.

Like some of the posters, I do have to say that I like the Shiroi Neko stuff better, but… blatantly stealing someone else’s designs if theft! And on their website they go about how you can feel good wearing their t-shirts because of all the good Karma because they use such great materials and only pay adult Thais to handmake the t-shirts under good conditions. Blah Blah Blah.

Nice T-shirts though.