Archive for the 'Body & Health' Category

MiracleBerry Has Been Ordered!

After seeing this Miracle Fruit or Miracle Berry mentioned on a CSI Episode at least a year ago, the idea of a berry that changes the way your palate perceives tastes of food has intrigued me. I enjoy food very much, and being able to suck on a lemon and have it taste like sweet […]

Free Kashi Granola Bars

In Case you guys didn’t catch the commercial, get your free Kashi Granola Bars here:

Leaky Gut & Eczema – The Conclusion

Results after 2 months: Well turns out that my Eczema was either not caused by Leaky Gut, or the suggested supplements to relieve my eczema as mentioned in this article and this article did not work. That is not to say that I did not feel an improvement in my well-being. I noticed significantly less […]

Leaky Gut Update – One Month Later

See my original post on leaky gut to get the whole story. So its been a month, and I have been taking my supplements religiously. To recap, my altered supplement schedule is this: 1 Enzymatic Therapy DGL Chewable Chocolate before each meal 2 Enzymatic Therapy Mega-Zyme before each meal 2 Enzymatic Therapy Pearls IC Before […]

Leaky Gut – Is it Real and Do I have it?

Well, I don’t know if you have it, but I’m going to see if it’s the reason that I have eczema. I started getting Eczema on my calves and occasionally on my arms and elbows in very mild amounts… so little that you probably couldn’t see most of them unless you were looking really hard. […]