Posted by the dood on Friday, February 19th, 2010
Are the British bitter about the 2010 Vancouver Olympics? Maybe its because they have no medals, or maybe its because their Britsh Snobbery just couldn’t help coming out when they know they’re a dying country and Vancouver is such a better place to be and live. Maybe they’re just a bunch of sheep following their big-nosed, big-teethed Marina Hyde. Who knows.
At any rate.. Its always the Brits that come out with their scathing comments in any situation, I guess since their own reputation preceeds them. Everyone knows the British reputation, so now they’re trying to hard to make themselves feel better. Understood.
Maybe they just don’t want Canadians visiting their country anymore? Good way to do it.
February 19th, 2010 | Posted in Sports | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Monday, February 15th, 2010
Finally, Canadian downhill mogul man Alex Bilodeau wins our first Canadian Gold medal on Canadian soil. And then of course the Australian’s think that their (former Canadian) athelete Dale Begg-Smith should have won it. Sounds like the typical sore loser speech. I have been of the opinion that someone that won before should not have, but this is a subjective judging, so there will always be a difference of opinion. When there are biases, people will always side with their own. However, this time their own was previously one of ours. Dale Begg-Smith, the former Olympic Gold medalist, was a Canadian, and now resides in Australia, selling malware annoy-ware internet advertising, and making millions.

Tarnished Canadian Image
Britain’s Guardian says that we’re too self-absorbed and tries to make us sound like a terrible country. I can understand, given their own stereotypical international image, that they would want to make others seem less.
At any rate, yes, the death of Nodar Kumaritashvili, the Georgian Slider, is a tragedy. Yes, there are many protesters here, and yes, Canada does want to win some medals. Maybe most of the other Countries criticizing would have preferred it if the Canadians just intentionally lost to keep our image of being polite?
February 15th, 2010 | Posted in Sports | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Sunday, February 14th, 2010
Well.. its 2 days into the events, and we’ve got one silver, and one bronze 🙁
Hopefully we can get a few more medals in! I’m not sure how we are expected to do, and many of the medals don’t start rolling in until the end of the games.
February 14th, 2010 | Posted in Sports | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Monday, February 8th, 2010

Apparently a Tim Horton’s in New Brunswick owned by Edwin Dow has banned a guy from ever going into their store again because he has gotten Burnt Decaf coffee and complained three times about it.
Now, I can understand pain in the ass customers, and stuff. I’ve complained about lots of stores in the past, and while I think that many customers can be a pain, I think a lot of stores now feel like they have the right to treat customers any way they want, which is fine I guess if they don’t want the customer any more. However, they should be ready to accept the fact that they will get flack for it, and there will be fallout in some cases. I highly doubt all this bad press for Edwin Dow was worth three cups of coffee. If even two customers skip out on coffee now he will have lost money.
No, the customer is not always right, but when I go to Starbucks, and they screw up a drink, even a LITTLE bit, they give me a free drink! Virtually every time! When they screw up my free syrups in my drink and charged me for them, they gave me 2 free drink coupons. While its a bit annoying having to deal with stuff that they tell you that you are supposed to get, they make up for it, and it keeps me coming back. They make me feel like they want me as a customer, and I don’t mind paying a premium for a coffee that I enjoy drinking and a brand I enjoy associating with.
Reference article:
February 8th, 2010 | Posted in News and Reviews, Restaurants | No Comments
Posted by the dood on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

The Nominees are in for Best Picture, and for the first time in a while, I’ve seen most of them. The nominees are:
Inglourious Basterds
Up in the Air
The Hurt Locker
An Education
A Serious Man
The Blind Side
District 9
Seems to be quite a few nominees this year, or maybe I’m just not remembering previous years correctly. Of those that were nominated, I haven’t seen An Education, A Serious Man and Precious. I haven’t actually even heard of the first two, and Precious struck me as as retelling of Fat Girl, by Catherine Breillat.
At any rate, as an overall fantastic movie, I would say all of the ones I watched were definately fantastic. Inglorious Basterds was probably the one that I least thought I would like, but ended up liking. Blind Side was a sleeper for me… I don’t usually like that kind of movie. District 9 was phenomenal. The Hurt Locker was also phenomenal. Avatar was a brillant and definately over-the-top as far as epic-ness. Up in the Air was also much better than I thought, though I felt ther were some weaknesses.
If I had to make a choice as to my choice for best picture, I would have to say “District 9”
February 2nd, 2010 | Posted in Movies | No Comments